proven composite
manufacturing solutions


Family owned and managed, East Asia Composites Thailand (EACT) has built a solid reputation for being a flexible, responsive and reliable provider of quality composite parts.

With 25 years on-the-ground experience throughout Asia and supplying to global partners, we know where to go the first time to get reliable, qualified materials & resources.

We have vast experience in dealing directly with Manufacturers, OEMs & end-Retailers.

Whether it be turn-key, individual components or a one-off unique project, we provide cost-efficient solutions that can be scaled to suit project requirements of any size.

In short, we can assist you build anything from the minute to the magnificent!


We specialise in delivering a wide range of OEM and bespoke composite and transport solutions to clients from all over the world.

We draw on our vast knowledge to recommend and supply the best products for your project or use our advanced material processing techniques and our global manufacturing associates, to assist you from inception to the end of your project’s life cycle.

Our extensive knowledge and network of contacts allows us to offer an unique perspective and approach to all projects undertaken.

Click on the links below to find out more about our Products & Services or feel free to
Contact Us anytime to discuss your next project.

Ambulance Body Kits - East Asia Compsites - Thailand-2


Composite Panels

Composite Transport Components

Custom Hardware


Composite Fabrication

Design Engineering

and more!

check out some of our
